Friday, March 24, 2017

Have You Been Accused of Domestic Violence?

What is Domestic Violence Law?

Domestic violence laws provide the criminal rules for those who inflict emotional, physical or mental harm to others they share a family or close relationship with. They also outline the protections available to victims who endure this type of harm. Federal legislation has made domestic violence a crime, although most cases are prosecuted under state law.

Convictions for these offenses dictate that the defendant’s behavior and relationship to the victim meet certain requirements. For example, any behavior that puts someone in immediate harm or fear for their lives -- be it a relative, past or present relationship or anyone in the household -- no matter the severity, can be considered domestic violence.

If You Are Accused of Domestic Violence:

First things first, obey whatever instructions are given to you by the court, no matter how bad the allegations are, even if they aren’t true. The court will almost definitely impose contact restriction between you and the accuser. Ignoring this restriction could result in you being thrown behind bars, and your domestic violence attorney will have a harder time defending you. Your best bet is to just leave that person alone.

If You Are Arrested:

If you’ve been arrested, secure an attorney. Once you have secured your domestic violence attorney, they will outline the proceedings and what happens next. If the charges aren’t retracted, there are two ways in which a criminal case can be solved. One, you can go to trial and fight the charges, or two, you can plead guilty and accept less harsh penalties.

Choosing an option is difficult. If you go to trial and get acquitted, you walk out a free person, free of any wrongdoing. But if you plead guilty, you can eliminate the risk of an uncertain verdict. Your attorney will explain both to you, but in the end, the choice is yours.  Of course, based on what evidence the prosecution has, you should think long and hard about which route you want to take.

domestic violence law services at florida

A domestic violence charge on your record could severely hurt not just your personal reputation, but the professional one as well. If you are looking for a job and there is a background check, it will be sure to pop up. Employers may not feel other employees are safe around you and deny you the position. If you have been accused of domestic violence, the first is to obey the court, but also seek a qualified domestic violence attorney who can guide you through this situation. If you are innocent, you want to make sure you do everything in your power to help your case. Following instructions were given to you by your attorney -- and the court -- is imperative.

If you need a domestic violence attorney in South Florida, S.G. Morrow & Associates, P.A. is your best bet. They have the experience it takes to defend you. Don’t leave your case in the hands of lesser known law firms. Go with the one that has stood the test of time. Don’t hesitate. Call today.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Divorce Attorney Aventura | Filing for a Divorce in Florida

Filing for a Divorce in Florida

Sometimes marriages don’t work out, and when that happens, you want to get a divorce as quickly -- or at least as painlessly -- as possible. If you are in Florida, there are a few things you should know before you file for a divorce. S. G. Morrow & Associates, P.A. has years of experience in divorce cases in Miami. Their team of outstanding attorneys will be able to answer any questions you have and guide you seamlessly through this process.

Here are a few common questions people seeking a divorce attorney in Miami ask:

divorce attorney florida

Do I have to go to court during my divorce procedure?

Short answer, not really. If you file for a divorce and both parties agree, everything can be settled without ever stepping foot in the courtroom. However, if one party contests the divorce, it more than likely will go before a judge.

How long do divorce proceedings in Florida usually take?

In Florida, it doesn’t matter who files first. If everyone is on the same page and is in agreement on everything (from assets to child support and alimony), the divorce could take up to six weeks. But if there are disputes or any uncertainties and the court has to get involved, the divorce could take four to six months, sometimes up to a year.

Do I need to prove anything in order to get a divorce in Florida?

Unlike some states, all you have to do in Florida is ask for a divorce. Technically, you have to prove that the marriage is “irretrievably broken,” meaning it can’t be fixed through marriage counseling or any other means. For the other party to prove otherwise will be difficult. Also, one party has to be a resident of Florida for the six months immediately before the divorce.

Can I file for divorce in Florida if I can’t find my spouse?

Yes. But there have to be several steps you take and a certain reasonable amount of time per step before you can file for a divorce. Even if you file for a divorce, you cannot sue for alimony or child support until your spouse is physically found. A divorce attorney in Florida will be able to outline those steps and time periods.

Can one Florida divorce attorney represent both parties?

It is not wise to hire one Florida divorce attorney to represent both parties. The attorney is being paid to be your adversary and look out for their client’s interests. It is, in the very least, a conflict of interest.

Should I represent myself?

Unless you have legal training, or unless the case is extremely simple, your best bet is to hire a divorce attorney in Florida. There is certain legal jargon, rules and responsibilities you may not understand and may cost you big if you self-represent.

If you need legal consultation, contact the Law Offices of S.G. Morrow & Associates, P.A. They will be able to help you through your divorce with little to no hassle. They are a team you can count on.

See Also : Divorce Attorney Aventura